Friday, September 11, 2009

New Mexico Morning

7:07 a.m. Morning call from Kirsten as she rolled into New Mexico. Had a good start last night and rode a good bit of the way with several of the other riders before splitting off to go at their own paces. The shadows in the night were not desert mirages, but saguro along the road. Very cool! Ok, actually hot - 99 degrees and a blinding sand storm whipped up just to keep you humble. Gerbings not required.

I read her some of your comments this morning - thanks for posting! Sue - she'll give you a call sometime tomorrow morning when she'll know what the entry time to Florida is looking like. It would be great if the timing worked out. Larry - she's back on her way to you. Feels a little ping pong like!


  1. We are ready. Hope she stays longer than 2 hours this time. But whatever she decides we will support her. I'll let everyone know when she get's here.

  2. I'm checking here regularly for her progress, and then reposting on our District site so they can follow along. Just have her text me when she has an idea of an ETA. Phone number's in the membership list. Tell her Keep Going and Be Safe!!! See her soon. Hugs.

  3. Go Kristen GO! You are an animal! Stay safe! Hope your working on a plan to get your bike from FL back to VA..... hahaha :-)

  4. Ride hard and ride safe! Go Kristen!

  5. Our Iron Butter is now through San Antonio and heading east.

  6. go KT go! Please let me know your ETA into Jax. It takes forever to get through TX, doesn't it? Man, that's a big state.
