Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Leg 2 Begins

Kirsten called late last night, safely back in Denver.  She didn't make it to the shop before closing, but they came in a little early this morning to check over her bike before they opened.  That allowed her to get her rally pack and do some routing before getting the green light that her new tire was fixed and ready.  And so she's rolling again--on Leg 2! 

Now that the crisis of Leg 1 is over, I can't really talk about her location or planned route - IBA regulations.  I can say that she's doing well and seeing beautiful country.  I got an "OK" message from her SpotTracker a little bit ago- which is so much nicer to receive than the "HELP" message.  I suggest that you peruse the official IBA daily reports for your entertainment.  Kirsten is featured in today's!  Certainly not the standing or feature mention she was hoping for, but you'll be impressed with the photo.  (And hopefully her skill at staying safe in spite of it all.)  Day 2 IBA Report

Her mom, after viewing that photo, sent me this one, saying perhaps it captured the spirit of the RT's experience over the past couple days.

I should remind Kirsten to pack the shopping cart and hand truck next time......

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