With All Our Friends Around Us- Leg 1 Begins
Sometimes you find yourself right where you are
supposed to be at exactly the time you were meant to be there. For me, that was yesterday morning’s church
service. With so many friends and family
traveling this week, I had a lot to be thankful for and a lot to offer up. Then, during the second reading, this is what
I heard, “And in this matter I am giving my advice: it is appropriate for you
who began last year not only to do something but even to desire to do
something—now finish doing it, so that your eagerness may be matched by
completing it according to your means.”
And there you have it.
So many friends are wearing the Big Girl Pants
this year - Mark, Tom, Jim, Chris, Tonie, Lynda and Terry, Connie, John and
Andie, Allen, Hammy, Bob, Scott, and so many more - thus begins watching dots
and spots and tracking friends. And
blogging. It is also the time when, as
an earlier IBR report said, over 50,000 members devour the reports of the rally
goings-on. I watch the reports and FB
pages of other friends, spouses, and riders (who are ONLY reporting at check-points,
if even then, lest they distract themselves and earn the wrath of rally
staff…or worse, end up in an IBR daily report).
So, if you’re ready to do the deep dive into the IBR 2015 viewing party
over the next 11 days, here are some public sites you might want to watch:
Iron Butt Magazine’s FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Iron-Butt-Magazine/215472378531?fref=ts
a.k.a. reports, commentary and pictures!
Bob Rippy’s blog: http://mls2go.blogspot.com/2015/06/iron-butt-rally-2015-pictures-from.html a.k.a. Never have so many, ridden so far, to
see so little.
Chris Sakala’s blog (kept by Nancy): http://www.beadrider.com/2015-iron-butt-rally/ a.k.a. Co-creator of BeadRider – which some
call the single best investment to improve comfort on long rides.
One good friend not at ABQ is Paul Pelland, who regaled us
last summer at the Denver IBA Meet with his amazing story of riding the IBR in
the “hopeless class,” which resulted in his standing on his pegs and screaming
at the top of his lungs “I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!” He didn’t, doesn’t, and is still amazing, and
still riding, with MS. He got just got
home yesterday after a monster ride to AK, which included, on his last leg of
the trip, 3300 miles in 59.5 hours. His site is: http://www.longhaulpaul.com/
If you’re a facts-n-figures kind of person, you might like
to look at the many ways to split the numbers provided by the IBR Finishers and
Records page. http://www.ironbutt.org/ibrfacts.htm
And if you were watching the public IBR Spot Tracker page
around 10:00 a.m. ABQ time this morning, you saw pretty quickly that the field
divided as each person made their routing decisions.
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The sign on her office door at FOMR on her last day before leaving for ABQ. |
Kirsten you got this. Thanks for sharing Jenn.