Monday, August 31, 2009
Momma is gettin' a new pair of shoes...

Iron Butt Rally --- incredible

If you're not inspired, or at least freaked out, by these riders, PLEASE check your pulse. http://ironbuttrally.com/IBR/2009.cfm
While I'll be super slabbing it across the country a couple of times, these folks are doing it AND stopping at places to get bonus points AFTER they calculate their best routes to get points.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hookin' up with Hoagy

Got a phone call from the ride host, Robert "Hoagy" Carmichael. Funny guy. Got some pointers and will definitely be staying in JAX the night of the 12th :)
I need to be at the starting point gas station 30 minutes before the ride begins. Right now, there's only ... maybe 5 or 6 other riders leaving from FL to do the 100CCC. We are still a bit away, so numbers could change.
Strategy? Well, Hoagy's just kept repeating to me, "don't over think it." Yeah, how the heck did he figure me out so quickly?! But then, he said there were stretches that have very few gas stations and reminded me to call the stations to be sure they'd be open at 0'dark what ever... now how can a girl do that if I don't plan out every stop?
So much for not over thinking it. Pardon me as I sign off to go figure out my gas stops along the 2,355 each way route. FYI, Hoagy told me that Van Horn, TX is the 1,500 mile point. Why is this important? Well, there's the little thing call the Bun Burner Gold. The goal is to be able to safely traverse that distance (1,500 miles) in 24 hours. Coming back, the town is Winnie, TX. What do you think? Try and go for two BBG's in one ride?
Nope - not going to plan on it. Going to wait and see how I feel along the way and what comes at me along the ride. Com' on y'all... I'm not that crazy - um - or am I ;)
And one final note for all those BMW riders. Hoagy told me there was one thing he was worried about. He hopes I don't lose my final drive... yeah, this coming from a guy who's had to replace his differential gear on his '09 Harley twice. Well, he does have 40,000 mile on it already.
Okay, this is the final note. Pledges are way down from previous years. It's a rough time with the economy. If you can give, even just a little, drop me a note and I'll add you to the pledge list. And thanks to those who've already been able to give.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Support is Growing :)
Okay, all I have to say is with support like this, how can anyone go wrong?!
Snippet of post on PayPal:
Subject: Sponsorship - Donation for C2C
Message: I'm proud of you, and excited for your trip. I know you can do it and hope you enjoy the scenery some too! Happy to donate to the charities, but really, it's for you and the ride. Be safe. ~Jennifer
Snippet of post on PayPal:
Subject: Sponsorship - Donation for C2C
Message: I'm proud of you, and excited for your trip. I know you can do it and hope you enjoy the scenery some too! Happy to donate to the charities, but really, it's for you and the ride. Be safe. ~Jennifer

Holy stuff... the time is coming quickly for the adventure to begin.
Thanks to everyone for their generous offers of lodging in Florida. In order to have a bit of solo time to prepare, this introvert has decided on staying at a hotel (likely the host hotel, Days Inn-Jacksonville-Neptune Beach) before beginning the ride.
Unless Hoagy makes changes, we'll depart September 8th at 9pm from the Shell Gas Station at 1539 3rd Street South, Jacksonville, FL 32250. If all goes well, I'll turnaround in CA on the 10th and be back in JAX on the 12th - not sure of the time yet, but it needs to be before the 100 hour clock runs out.
Some of the Florida Motor Maids are talking about coming out to do a send off. If all the MMs and the local BMWST.com riders who talked about supporting me come too, this will be a great send off! I'm so excited.
Thanks to everyone for the continued encouragement and keep the pledges/donations coming!
Thanks to everyone for their generous offers of lodging in Florida. In order to have a bit of solo time to prepare, this introvert has decided on staying at a hotel (likely the host hotel, Days Inn-Jacksonville-Neptune Beach) before beginning the ride.
Unless Hoagy makes changes, we'll depart September 8th at 9pm from the Shell Gas Station at 1539 3rd Street South, Jacksonville, FL 32250. If all goes well, I'll turnaround in CA on the 10th and be back in JAX on the 12th - not sure of the time yet, but it needs to be before the 100 hour clock runs out.
Some of the Florida Motor Maids are talking about coming out to do a send off. If all the MMs and the local BMWST.com riders who talked about supporting me come too, this will be a great send off! I'm so excited.
Thanks to everyone for the continued encouragement and keep the pledges/donations coming!
(thanks to Roy Temple for the nice picture of me at the UNrally :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Set-up Services....
Okay - got the bike set-up for a service before the trip (18k) and one after (24k). I'll need new tires for the run as well. Talked with a few 50CC veterans about the trip and got some good pointers. I've also got great offers for start/stop places and mid-way rest area. Now, all I need are some more pledges. Yep, I'm stickin' my hand out for the cause.
So, if you would like to help sponsor me for this ride, I'd love your support. All donations will go straight to Hoagy's Heroes who distributes the funds to a number of charities. Find out more about their work and the rides at http://hoagysheroes.org/
Don't want to make a pledge, I've go you covered. I'm set-up to accept donations via PayPal. You don't need to have an account to donate, you would just make you pledge to me at: k.talken@gmx.net. I will cover all the fees so your FULL donation goes to the cause.
Want to know more, please just drop me a line at the address listed above, and thanks for your support.
So, if you would like to help sponsor me for this ride, I'd love your support. All donations will go straight to Hoagy's Heroes who distributes the funds to a number of charities. Find out more about their work and the rides at http://hoagysheroes.org/
Don't want to make a pledge, I've go you covered. I'm set-up to accept donations via PayPal. You don't need to have an account to donate, you would just make you pledge to me at: k.talken@gmx.net. I will cover all the fees so your FULL donation goes to the cause.
Want to know more, please just drop me a line at the address listed above, and thanks for your support.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Getting excited.... & a bit nervous
When I first thought about doing this, I had these grand plans to get into shape and really be "hard-body" ready for the ride. Dare I say that I've done nothing to meet that idea. It's not like I'm a couch potato, but I could use a little shaping up.
But I'm also getting really excited! Folks keep sending me messages, sponsoring me, or just outright making a donation to the cause. How could a person not get excited.
Thanks to everyone and keep the messages and donations coming :)
Here's the deal...I like to ride my motorcycle - a LOT
Hoagy's Heroes has long distance charity motorcycle rides
I think it's important to give back to the universe
Long ride + giving back -> bingo! We have a great match.
This year there is a ride from Jacksonville, FL to San Diego, CA and back to Jacksonville... in less than 100 hours. For those who follow Long Distance Motorcycling, in Iron Butt Association terms this is often known as a 100CCC. The goal is to safely ride this distance while raising funds for a number of charity organizations.
So, if you would like to help sponsor me for this ride, I'd love your support. All donations will go straight to Hoagy's Heroes who distributes the funds to a number of charities. Find out more about their work and the rides at http://hoagysheroes.org/
While folks can send checks, I'm guessing most everyone would rather not bother with that anymore, so I'm set-up to accept donations via PayPal. You don't need to have an account to donate, you would just make you pledge to me at: k.talken@gmx.net. I will cover all the fees so your FULL donation goes to the cause.
Want to know more, please just drop me a line at the address listed above, and thanks for your support.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
For those that know me, this announcement will come as no surprise, for everyone else... welcome to my idea of FUN! ... and this time, I get to do it for a cause.
As part of Hoagy's Heroes long-distance charity rides, I'm going to be heading out the beginning of September from Neptune Beach, FL -> to San Diego, CA -> back to Neptune Beach, FL.Check out the ride site at: http://www.hoagysheroes.org/
I wasn't sure about asking this, but have been encouraged to invite you all to participate with me. So, if you would like to sponsor me, I would LOVE your support.
Here's the info from the Sponsors Pledge Worksheet
* 2009 Hoagy’s Heroes Long Distance Charity Rides
* Ride: 100 hrs Coast to Coast to Coast Sept 8-12, 2009
* Participants Name: Kirsten Talken-Spaulding
* City: Stafford St: Virginia
* email: k.talken@gmx.net
Info I need to collect:
*Sponsor Name
* Phone #
* Amount $
You can make your pledge now and when I complete the ride, I'll collect your pledge and pass it along. Or, if you want to skip all that just send your donation with your sponsorship.
I've seen other folks use PayPal as a way of collecting and so I'd like to invite you to make a pledge, sponsoring me there (use the email listed above). Otherwise, the form asks that checks be made payable To: Hoagy's Heroes, Inc.
I will turn over EVERY DIME! and will cover all my ride expenses (getting to and from FL, oil changes, hotels, fuels, food...). These are tough times, so it's even tougher times for charity organizations. Any amount you are willing and able to sponsor me with would be greatly appreciated.
Hoagy's Heroes has three selected charities; A Special Wish Foundation, Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund, & NHS Autism School. As the website says, "Donations to Hoagy's Heroes, Inc. are Tax Deductible because we are a 501c3 organization."
The sponsorship form also has Hoagy's contact information if you should have any questions (Home (304) 845-8827 – Cell (304) 639-1863).
Thanks for taking the time to read all this and consider sponsoring my ride. I'm excited and would love your support, in what ever way you can provide it.
As a side note, on the return, others will be joining as we try to break the world record for riders of one 50CC. This is going to be fun!
Thanks all,
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