I feel like I'm late to this one..... butt at least George at
Beemers Uber Alles and all the folks at
Morton's BMW have gotten the bike all ready to go. Now I just need to get all my junk in a sock!

If the trade winds are fair I'll head out Wednesday for Denver, CO to the starting point of the eighth running of the Butt Lite. Tech checks begin on Friday and we head out of the barn Sunday morning (July 3rd). We'll travel who knows where before coming back to the barn a week later on Saturday, July 9th.
Keep your fingers crossed and Jennifer might just pick up the keyboard and add a few notes. There's also the official Butt Lite VIII blog at: http://buttliteviii.blogspot.com

As for my
SPOT tracker, it'll be open to the public as I'm headed out, but will be on lock-down per rally rules (so check in with Jennifer for details) during the rally.
Here's hoping for miracles... no floods, fires, or flat tires!